Monday, April 29, 2013

LG the bookworm

If you've ever spent time with a toddler, you have likely experienced the moment when you realize that it's been a while since you been pulled away from the task at hand, and your child is very quiet. Luckily for me, lately when these moments strike while LG and I are upstairs, I can usually find him in his room like this: 

And then one night after LG had gone to his room while I was rinsing out the bathtub, I found him like this:

I had even told AD that LG's reading habit afforded me an extra 20 minutes of dozing one Saturday morning. 

And then this past Thursday AD and I were both up and getting ready for work. I came upstairs from the shower, and no sooner had I sat down to dry my hair did LG start screaming in his room. So I got up and went to open his bedroom door, but was met with some resistance--it was LG! 

I started freaking out, thinking my glorious days of toddler-containment were over because he had finally climbed out of his crib. Thank God AD told me a few minutes later that he had put LG in his reading chair to see if he could get a few more zzzz's (but failed to turn on the lamp for him--Dads!). 


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