Saturday, September 1, 2012

LG's first camping trip

If you didn't already know, AD and I are hardcore campers. For the first four years of our togetherness, we kicked it in a backpacking tent, always in rustic national forest or state park campsites. Almost four years ago, we got our pop-up camper. The only thing that changed with the addition of "Poppy" is that we can accommodate up to three other adults, and the majority of our camping gear lives in her year round, which makes the before and after part of camping much easier, and we therefore go more often--just grab your clothes and food and go! It is truly our home away from home; we have room for all of our camping needs [and more], including the "Oh Sh*t" bag for emergencies. Let me say, though, that our home away from home does not include a generator, air conditioner, TV/DVDs, or even flushable toilets. That's why we go rustic. If you want that stuff, stay home. 

Poppy's first trip [with us] in April 2009--notice there are no leaves on the trees? AD couldn't wait to go
The first summer (2009) we had Poppy, we probably went camping 8-10 times, including our week-long trip to the U.P., which is one of my favorite memories in our *almost* five years of marriage. The second summer (2010) we had her, we only went 3-4 times--we had just bought [and were working our butts off on] our house and I was in the first/second trimester with LG, which included a fun stint with placenta previa where I was on bedrest for a week and then limited physical activity for another month. Last year (2011), poor Poppy only got used once, and that was for deer camp in November, on account of the fact that AD spent the first half of the summer researching, interviewing, and studying for a new job, and then August - October in training in the other D[allas].

Pure Michigan: Lake of the Clouds, Porcupine Mountains
We didn't know how many times we'd get to go this year, especially with AD working just about every weekend--seriously, his first weekend off this year was in July, and not so coincidentally, our first camping trip of the year, and LG's first camping trip ever, was in July. We decided to keep it simple and go to Brighton State Recreation Area, which is less than an hour from home and also where we took Poppy for her first camping trip (with us; she'd had two previous owners who didn't take her out very much). AD was supposed to be getting home from work late on a Friday night, so we planned to take off first thing Saturday morning and come home Sunday afternoon. Well, AD ended up getting home from work before I did that Friday, and talked me into rushing around and forgetting things throwing everything in the truck and taking off that evening; I'm definitely glad we did, though. 

So, how did LG's first camping trip go, you ask? AWESOME. I don't know why we ever had the slightest doubt that he would be anything but a natural camper. He loved it. 

Do you think I could find a toddler-size camping chair when I actually needed one?
On Saturday morning we had breakfast and then took a walk around the campground; LG wanted to hold hands going up and down the gravel road, and I wish I would have had my camera with me to get a pic of AD and LG from behind. But alas, I have memories. Then we rented a paddle boat, and of course, AD took us through these shallow little channels between several different lakes and then threw SG in and had to jump in after her (she's not the spring chicken she used to be). Shenanigans. But we all had fun. Then LG took a nap:

LOVE it.
Per usual, there was an afternoon trip into town for ice cream and supplies. Other than that, there was:

(eating -- LOVE this face)
(hanging -- just to photographically prove that SG and I were there too)

and one
On Sunday, we had breakfast, packed up camp, and planned on going to the beach (one of the only nice beaches I know of on the east side of the state) before heading home, but LG conked out in the car [sunscreen and swim gear and all]. So when we got home, he washed Poppy with our solar shower and we had a picnic in the backyard.

We're hoping to get to our favorite fall camping spot this month or next.

Since there's a shot of LG and I, and a few of LG and AD, I'm linking this post up to:



  1. How fun!! It makes me want to go camping.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I think we may be headed out camping again next weekend :)
