Monday, June 18, 2012

What is wrong with me?

Well, this post was originally going to be about Father's Day; that AD was not here for us to honor him in person, but that last year we had a nice day picnicking and scouting possible campsites. I was even going include some pictures of our picnic.

But there is something else going on with me lately that I need to acknowledge in more than a passing comment to my mother or a coworker, and that is that I have no physical energy or motivation. On one side of the coin, I seem to have a lot of mental energy; that is, ideas and plans. Like, concrete ones. Things I want to do. Things that I can do because they don't cost (much) money. Things that will make my everyday life function better. 

A few examples:

- As mentioned in my first post, I am have been working on revamping some frames to display the influx of artwork that comes home with LG. I am redoing a shelf to hold his 3D creations and want to do a silhouette of his beautiful little toddler head to hang on the wall with the frames and shelf. This vignette will go on my living room wall next to my secretary, which is our drop zone for keys, mail, etc, so I have also been looking for solutions to make that zone more organized and efficient. What's standing between me and a cute wall and useful drop zone? I have to decide if I want to leave my blue frame with a satin finish or go over it with a gloss, put corkboard in the frames, glaze the oval frame and make the silhouette to go in it, put hangers on all the frames, get some fine grit sandpaper and fix a couple of spots on the shelf and then decide if I want to embellish it, and then hang everything up. For most of these tasks I have the materials ready to go, just not the motivation to seal the deal.

- I have a basement but it's not very big. Currently, the big square room is kind of broken up into zones: a holiday decoration/overflow kitchen/childhood crud/sporting goods/ETC storage area, laundry area, utility area, kitchenette/homebrew area, my desk/craft/wrapping area, and then a 5x8-ish dog pen in the middle of it all. It is kind of messy, really dirty in some areas, and definitely not child-friendly.

There are big bins stacked nearly to the ceiling in the storage area, and the idea is to clean up about a third of the basement to include the desk/craft/wrapping area, lay down some foam tiles, and stack up the bins to create a bunker, if you will, that can corral LG so tasks can be accomplished in the basement. I call this the basement bunker project.

However, my perfectionism and need to do things the "right" way is definitely slowing this project down. So far, I've torn SG's pen apart and cleaned it and the floor under it (she is cute, but she is also a disgusting creature), and moved everything out of the bunker area and scrubbed the floors. At this point, I really could just stack up the bins and throw LG in there, but I want to scrub the floor between the bunker and kitchenette area, place the bins in some orderly fashion, clean and lay the foam tiles, and bring some toys down (I just scored a wooden stove and sink for free from LG's daycare this week, which I am really excited about. AD says to just clean them up and take them down there; I was thinking there might be some sanding and sealing first...). Then there will be glorious file and craft organization, and hopefully contented playing. 

With both of these projects, I am almost to the point where I can start using them for their intended purposes, even if they aren't "finished" to my liking. The problem is that after a day of work, getting dinner ready while LG is whining at my feet, bathing and getting him to bed, taking care of the garden and yard, and doing whatever else needs to be done, I just don't have the energy or motivation to throw at these projects. So, the nights on the weekends are my time to get stuff done. But this weekend, nothing towards these projects got done. If I didn't already feel bad enough about that, AD has been complaining that the other parts of the house are dirty and cluttered. Ugh.

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